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Five Summer Storage Tips For College Students

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As a college student returning home for the summer, you will have to deal with all of your belongings. Chances are high that you won't want to haul things back home and then back to campus next fall, nor do you want to trash and then replace everything. Renting a short-term storage unit could be the perfect answer.

1. Check The Contract

Most storage units are rented out on a month-to-month basis, but there are some exceptions. Make sure the unit you choose doesn't require a longer-term contract since you will likely be moving out within three months when classes resume. Further, inquire about prepayment discounts. The facility may offer a discount on your rent if you pay the entire expected rental term upfront. Since you will be living out of town, paying ahead will also help prevent late payment headaches.

2. Consider Convenience

If you are like most students, you may not have a large enough car available to make moving to and from the storage unit simple. Instead of making multiple trips across town to shuttle things in a small car, rent a unit that is close to your campus or the area where you live. If you plan to transport items via public transportation, then choose a facility on a major public transport route.

3. Consider Shared Storage

Students, particularly those that live in dorms, often don't have a lot of large furniture to store. This means that many storage units are much larger than what you actually need. You can share the space and the cost of storage with a roommate in order to make the most of this issue. Use masking tape or a large piece of furniture to divide the space in half. Then you can each store your items in the same unit without worries of getting stuff mixed up.

4. Ask About Moving Extras

A lot of storage units provide some extras for new tenants. An extra that can be helpful include the use of a moving truck or a discount with a local truck rental service. Facilities that sell packing materials, boxes, and unit locks onsite make packing convenient.

5. Store the Right Items

Finally, make sure you only put the right items in storage. Electronics like computers should not be kept in a unit where heat and moisture could cause problems, so rent a climate-controlled unit if you will be storing any technology. Further, never put leftover food into a storage unit.

Contact a facility like Cardinal Self Storage in your area for more help.
